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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  November 13, 2018 7:00am-7:33am +03

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nation about this however it is very impudent for them to accuse our president of playing political games. well to afghanistan now i sill has claims to be behind a suicide attack in the capital which killed six protest as they were all members of the ethnic minority group the has and they were rallying for greater protection for that community after a number of high profile attacks it's actually going to as wall. oh the target was this group of protesters. but according to media reports afghan forces were able to stop a suicide bomber before he reached the demonstrators not the four who detonated his explosives. they heard earlier on monday there were calls for peace and protection in kabul we actually have raised our voice because we need security when security and it's their responsibility of the government i subjected to discrimination for generation of. the hayes are
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a community wants to ensure its boyce's or her after a series of attacks by the taliban since last week was almost word five five days that the job would have proven to be modest on and so there is going to this was the attack of taliban. one hundred fifty people killed but there is no action to take. on the afghan forces have increased ground and air attacks against the taliban in two districts in the southeastern province of gaza me the has a shiite minority group dominate the districts they've been fighting the taliban who are sunni muslims all over this has raised fears of a spike in sectarian violence in the war weary country and concerns the government isn't doing enough it's not only. drive the whole suffered the same thing would
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become plain but it's of the countries suffering. same thing every day with afghan security forces just paying a high price in a day to secure this country the afghan army chief says is already lost soldiers additional ground troops are being deployed to gaza new province and u.s. forces are assisting the offensive by air natasha going to al-jazeera. still ahead for you on the program a summit to end seven years of fighting libyan leaders and foreign powers arrive for talks in a silly in city of atlanta also. i'm adrian brown in shanghai where i experts warn the country is facing a myopia epidemic but the solution could be simple find out why here on al-jazeera .
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and i will it may have been thirty five degrees not allayed on monday but that of course drops rapidly when a cold front comes through and there was the cold front is going to keep marching east general directions as can be helped and then cold for twenty six on tuesday twenty nine in melbourne that of course has got to drop the day after that front goes for down to twenty two the might be a few thunderstorms or a bit of rain i'm not sure i'd be particularly extensive not least by model gardens but you've got to just wish for something at least in new south wales if not in victoria always time in perth is to getting steadily warm twenty six degrees now in sunny skies and the weather new zealand it's quite set fair as well eighty or ninety degrees ninety degrees seems typical more or less where it was very little in the way of cloud except maybe in the north of north island we are eventually see or soon will see when to make some decent progress since the fall of the stairs and north east and asia the time being it's middle teens or cloudy picture in japan the
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rains in the east and moving away for a time or to into wednesday the maximum time for them but ours minus eleven winter is coming and that's how far it's got but well ahead of it still muslim or beijing might be quiet quality not good but it's fifteen degrees. stories of life. and spring. as a series of short documentaries from around the world were that celebrate the human spirit. against the odds. al-jazeera selects hunted.
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welcome back a look at the top stories now israeli military is born in the studios of hamas his t.v. station in the gaza strip it follows a surge in cross border fighting between israel and hamas with three palestinians killed off to have the exchange of rocket fire and shelling one israeli soldier is also critically injured violence comes less than twenty four hours after secret israeli military operation in gaza which that seven palestinians and one is right dead funerals have been held for the palestinians killed on sunday all seven were members of the masses military wing because sambrook a. new u.s. is renewed its call for an end to the civil war in yemen some reports say at least
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one hundred fifty people have been killed in the past twenty four hours street battles of book sales to residential areas main port city of the data. and in other stories are watching the democrats are public of congo opposition leaders have now pulled out of a deal to unite under one candidate for next month's presidential election several of them it initially agreed to give up a candidacy so they could back business and marching for you to in his bid to succeed president joseph kabila but both feet excuse me and they have now pulled out because their support of bases opposed the plan kabila is stepping down after eighteen years in power. we go to italy now libya's leaders and other foreign powers are holding a peace conference and this is a lemma a summit aims to end seven wars a fighting and division but with so many competing interests inside and outside the country based in libya could prove an elusive goal china how reports from. the latest attempt to bring peace to libya picks up where many of those have failed
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with leaders and representatives from thirty countries gathering just across the mediterranean in palermo sicily one key goal here to get behind a new u.n. led election timeline beginning early next year with a dialogue among libyans themselves to decide what kind of democracy they want we want to ask them clearly doing the national conference what kind of election we want by the men to the presidential attack and what kind of law do we need because we don't have a goal the house of representatives has been meeting all this summer. but it has been let's face it. produce here with no go on that effort and for those who know legislative little i think we need the white. representations. when nato bombs helped rebel fighters to open throat gadhafi in two thousand and eleven it was far from the end of libya's troubles. seven years later the country
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is divided between warring militant groups and opposing political factions each claiming control of vast swathes of territory the peace conference in brings together libya's major opposing sides as well as some of the key foreign powers within three months in the region so fires who heads the un backed government in and around tripoli will be joined by general. whose breakaway army holds much of the east battling for control of the south meanwhile are ethnic tribes. and cross border criminal gangs while the u.n. backs the tripoli government general haftar has the support of egypt and russia the united states is there to of course keen to bolster its influence in the resource rich north african country libya's difficulties are further complicated by the competing interests of european union rivals italy and france both have energy
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investments in the country and back opposite sides while france wants to stabilize the lawless south with its proximity to former french colonies in the hell italy wants an end to the flow of migrants across the mediterranean if all concerned camera leave behind the new un plan that would be a minimal measure of success here but it would amount to little more than a contribution to the peace process still a long way from peace itself to own a home al jazeera parliament cicely. well despite u.s. president all trans claims to have neutralized north korea's nuclear threat there is evidence that young is moving ahead with his ballistic missile program sixteen had been bases mostly scattered in remote mountainous areas have been identified in a report based on new commercial satellite images while north korea's offer to dismantle a major launching site it has continued to make improvements at more than a dozen others well earlier i spoke to the us also there are for job or muses who
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revealed how his team came up with the figures we used a combination of digital satellite imagery and open source information which we combined with interviews with defectors escapees and defense an atoll genes people around the world we identified a number of activities we didn't wind and we examined the satellite imagery and attempted with together a coherent picture and reason jordan has warnings now from washington. it really should come as no surprise to anyone that north korea is continuing to develop its conventional ballistic missiles program as well as trying to develop nuclear weapons neither was prohibited by the agreement which the north korean leader kim jong il and the u.s. president donald trump signed when they met in singapore earlier this year and in fact critics of this agreement say that not only was there are no prohibition but
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there was also no way that the u.s. or any other country for that matter could check up on pyongyang's behavior in either arena now comes this report from the washington based think tank c s i s which says that north korea has been continuing work at at least sixteen facilities around the country including at one facility not even an hour's drive from the border with south korea that of course is very worrisome because south korea has a substantial threat of north korean nuclear missiles the question now becomes what to do there are a number of sanctions that have been imposed on north korea by both the united nations and the united states but because of the u.s. efforts to try to broker a unilateral deal with north korea on denuclearization there is this sense now that north korea feels empowered to basically step up activities that have been deemed
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illegal by the in an international community that includes expanding trade with both china and russia its two closest neighbors and as the u.s. has alleged for many years two of its most important for testers on the global stage the question is can the trumpet ministration now find a way to not only make north korea stop development of these military programs but also carry out the sorts of inspections that would verify that north korea is trying to make good on its promise to give up its nuclear weapons program. now some of the two hundred fifty thousand people forced from their homes by wildfires in the u.s. state of california are being allowed to return a major highways also been reopened but authorities are warning many regions are still in danger at least thirty one people have died following california's deadliest wildfires on record. well. the supreme court has been hearing a challenge to the president's decision to call a snap election by saying it triggered
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a major political crisis last month when he fired and replaced the prime minister mel fernandez reports from colombo over a dozen petitions were herded sri lanka's supreme court on monday the petition is say president might to polish seriously in a violent to the constitution when he dissolved parliament in this instance for years have not lapsed and parliament has not acted as lucia. and therefore the condition president laid down in the constitution has not been followed and presidents act of dissolving parliament therefore is dull and white while the courtroom was packed to capacity people milled outside waiting for news some heckled politicians prompting police to be called in. at the heart of sri lanka's constitutional crisis is a tug of war between the president who says he's acting to protect the people and public representatives who say he's not when you take the big fundamental of the
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constitution spirit of the constitution people as it was of the people stop our president is exerting the executive power. in the legislature when there's a conflict between those two i.e.d. oppose him to make up a fight in addition is the people themselves nothing but the people but they're confident that on the basis of the arguments that the submitter on behalf of the people on behalf of. political parties and on behalf of people who represent parliament and surprisingly on the election commissioners one of the members himself has petitioned and we believe that. people will have justice in a third address to the nation in just over two weeks president seriously and has said he sect parliament because of what buying and the behavior of the speaker of parliament but the speaker he pushed out says as the custody of parliament i have watched over the last two weeks as the executive branch has seized the rights and
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usurped the powers of members of parliament who were elected to represent the people i call upon all public servants to refuse to execute any illegal orders they may receive no matter from home president my policy to say the insists that his dissolution of sri lanka's parliament on friday was the right thing to do more than ten petitioners who have come before the court behind me the supreme court of sri lanka say other. and it's down to the three judge bench to decide who's in the right miller fernandez al-jazeera colombo. in china there's growing concern about rising levels of near-sightedness among children one recent report showed that as many as ninety percent of the country's students will have myopia by the time they finish high school that's three times the rate among children in the united states or europe china correspondent adrian brown reports now from shanghai. in china it's
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a daily classroom ritual the twice daily exercises. optical health has been part of the school curriculum for more than half a century but some scientists consider these exercises useless and if a recent government report to be believed this routine won't prevent at least half the children in this class could developing myopia. no one's really sure why so many chinese are near-sighted but a subway journey during rush hour may provide clues hard to find a passenger not staring silently at their mobile phone or another electronic device at this shanghai or spittal they stare at something else a third of all the patients treated here are children and almost all of them have myopia. mojo away whose twelve is one of them his world started to get blurry five years ago or i'd sooner i think i got my own because i stared at my mobile phone i
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also watched a lot of t.v. and played a lot of games on my phone his mother says he does up to five hours homework a day and refuses to ease up on his heavy study load way they are soldiers i do encourage him to do less homework sometimes he has to work a long time on his chinese composition until eleven pm i tell him to take a break but he's very competitive and doesn't want to be scolded by his teachers his eye doctor says the causes of myopia aren't just genetic children are spending too much time indoors depriving them of the sunlight that allows their eyes to develop the solution he says is actually quite simple joe you formal them first of all the government and schools should give students less homework and so really some of the pressure the children should also have more time to play outside several leading i experts here in china say that myopia is not just
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a problem it's become an epidemic and while there is no consensus on why it seems to be so widespread amongst young people there is agreement on one issue the problem seems to be worse in the cities the problem recently caught the attention of president xi jinping who ordered new controls on online gaming measures designed to reduce the number of new video games that are released that'll help but the key say experts will be greater parental supervision. adrian brown al jazeera. now stanley who helped to create some of the walls most famous superheroes has died lee was the co-founder of marvel comics and helped create iconic characters such as spider-man the x. men thaw and the incredible hulk he was ninety five years old.
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just a quick look at top stories now israel has launched a series of major series of s. strikes against major buildings in gaza as violence escalated on both sides of the border among the targets in gaza was the hamas run alex a t.v. station which is reported to have been destroyed in a time when it follows a surge in cross border violence between israel and hamas with three palestinians killed off the heavy exchange of rocket fire and shelling israeli officials say three hundred rockets have been fired into israel many intercepted by its iron dome defense system but some hit houses in southern israel while one struck a bus one israeli soldier is critically injured stephanie decker has more now from the halls in southern israel near the border with gaza we saw two very bright and loud airstrikes were just about two kilometers from the gaza border in gaza city is behind us which is where those strikes took place we saw them happen and as i message our producer side he told us right away that that was the locks
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a building very big and very loud we've also seen outgoing rocket fire we've seen interceptions from the iron dome we continue to hear explosions behind us it is a very dangerous situation in terms of how this is going to escalate or how this is going to move forward in the next couple of hours we know mediation is under way. there are other headlines this hour the u.s. has renewed its call for an end to the civil war in yemen some reports say at least one hundred fifty people have been killed in the past twenty four hours street battles have brought chaos to residential areas in the main city of data this is the u.k. foreign secretary is in saudi arabia discussing the war in yemen in the killing of jamal khashoggi jeremy hunt has held talks with the saudi king in the capital riyadh he is the first british minister to visit the kingdom since khashoggi was murdered in october a spokesman for prime minister to resume a said hunt would push the saudis to do more to deliver justice and accountability in the khashoggi case meanwhile i still says that it was behind
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a suicide attack in the afghan capital which killed six protesters and injured twenty others they were all members of the ethnic minority group that has are as a rallying for greater protection of their community that's it for myself from the team here in london a.j. select is next getting to the heart of the matter the three big challenges facing human prime in the twenty first century they are nuclear war climate change and technological disruption facing realities whatever is there to fear is not in me it is in the people of uganda hear their story on talk to al-jazeera.
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i've got them all right there are more than what i do but. if you think let me think that i think you did. but i do have one the better part of. her for will. hear more. from last year on
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a very low news like are from. your beach t.v. world the. good. enough last. year you were in the weeds. or something the post on the ball over one of. them would be a neat trick ancient chance of that's a little used for pain to see in your. eyes that should be made. well.
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but. most. of the. other said. no we have. to keep it all just good. along the everyone. working toward me or concede three or your. own without holding with the matalin you might be the easter you thought in so small what a. plot
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hole to never out there a world. you know one. of the west in your. view what they would be this earth is prob. if. it is only gonski the last. little brainy up only feel. and no more hope that i wouldn't bring this levy wealth that. would bring the any or are we sitting or nothing. in the not so easy she is in the constant
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grip of us. ever thought she's been catalysts ever working. for a. resource. up here look up i'm. not in you know i'm with. the sports i'm the moron you're all customer yeah them. yeah bring here the east room won't go. rob them of course a lot of. math is a promise a problem that born he will. almost never move in a skill kasama go wrong. we
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should not. give the book or wartime ones who are getting it she's being you of with them. and i prefer rule upon the real ear rob all of goo's and your own car you were not your flop. or did the new guard with. the one you need a new stinkiest for more than in the church of god moon. mission as not much more than eight. when you are the one you see it be unusual and you don't do it what your modem in general view was.
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that the methadone or the gel was sure. that it had been but it took us five and i would agree if you look at the high school with all due the new just let us go into . the weekend we are yet three killed it. trishna we have.
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more importantly for down the are. afforded. far more for fourth and lethal. they're far from the. opening bell if more so. than in seven. eleven.
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lusk he's. a live look. please. yeah you had a good thing when. he does have a long lost brother let the resilience which. alternatives to haunt let's hope. her. birthday thing you need.
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to. eat it'll be. noticed onto a lot of. by the judge will be chosen to get the story. moving. on with it we have we. lost our last hour of the promotion the york. post board live a little lost for.
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you in the three. for one good thing. charlie i'm. not looking around the home already.


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